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Tulsi Vivah 2023 Guide: Auspicious Time, Rituals, and Materials for Sacred Union with Tulsi-Shaligram ji


Tulsi Vivah 2023: Happiness in married life is brought about by marrying Tulsi-Shaligram ji on the Dwadashi date of Shukla Paksha of Kartik month. Find out the Tulsi Vivah’s auspicious time, technique, mantra, and materials.

Tulsi Vivah 2023: The Hindu month of Kartik is regarded as being extremely significant for the worship of Shri Hari, just as the month of Sawan is devoted to Shiva. On the Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha in the Kartik month, Lord Vishnu awakens from Yoga Nidra. The following day, on Dwadashi Tithi, he marries Mother Tulsi.

Tulsi Vivah 2023 is getting married on November 24, 2023. It is said that performing Kanyadaan yields the same results as those who adhere to the Tulsi Vivah tradition. Kanyadaan is classified as a Mahadaan in the Hindu religion. Tell us the Tulsi Vivah’s auspicious time, materials, technique of worship, and mantra.

Tulsi Vivah 2023

Vivah Samagri Tulsi

Shaligram ji, the idol of Ganeshji, is a lump of turmeric, makeup, plum, batasha, vermilion, kalava, red chunri, akshat, roli, kumkum, sesame, fruits, flowers, incense-lamp, sugarcane, ghee, custard apple, amla, turmeric, hawan material, sweets, Kalash, and wedding accessories like bindi, bangle, mehendi, saree, toe, etc. are all needed for a Tulsi marriage.

Vivah Tulsi Puja Vidhi

A tulsi marriage ought to take place in the home’s courtyard. Select the hour just after sunset for this. For this, give the area a thorough cleaning. Douse the Ganga with water. Utilise cow dung paste.

Now adorn the basil pot as a bride would. Put Shaligram ji in a Tulsi pot that has been placed on the puja platform.

Now, install a Kalash at the site of worship after filling it with water and adding five or seven mango leaves. Turn on a lamp. Give them both a sesame seed.

Apply milk-soaked turmeric to Tulsi Mata and Shaligram ji. While carrying out the marriage rites, recite Mangalashtak.

Tulsi Vivah 2023

Tulsi Vivah 2023 Wishes: On November 23, 2023, this year, Devuthani Ekadashi is observed. Religious beliefs state that Shaligram ji, the idol form of Lord Vishnu, marries Mata Tulsi on this auspicious day. After four months of Yoga Nidra, it is thought that Lord Shri Hari awakens on Dev Uthani Ekadashi. This date is called Devuthani as a result.

With all the ceremonies, Lord Shaligram and Goddess Tulsi were married. As of this date, all good deeds are beginning. Many Hindu families perform Tulsi puja on this day. The Tulsi plant is offered new clothes, their wedding gowns are kept, and they tie the knot. Begin the day if you also worship Tulsi Vivah.

On the Ekadashi day of Shukla Paksha in the Kartik month, Tulsi Mata and Shaligram Lord get married. It is thought that arranging a Tulsi marriage yields the complete benefits of Kanyadaan. It is highly recommended that married women worship Tulsi Vivah. On Dwadashi Tithi, some people also perform Tulsi Vivah. Tell us about the easy and comprehensive Tulsi marriage procedure.

Tulsi Vivah 2023

When Shri Sutji was addressed by the revered sages, his joy knew no bounds. He exclaimed, ‘O Munishwars!’ Now, focus your attention as I delve into the intricacies of Tulsi ji’s matrimonial rituals. In sylvan settings or within her abode, Tulsi adorns a picturesque altar and a splendid pavilion alongside an exquisite Havan Kund. These ceremonies align with the Uttarayan Sun, the ascension of Jupiter and Venus, and the auspicious constellations synonymous with matrimonial unions, particularly during the full moon or the months of Kartik and Bhishma Panchak. As destiny would have it, the Ritvija was tasked with summoning erudite Brahmins, free from worldly attachments or aversions, to preside over the familial rituals.

Worship the Matrikas at the outset. Munishwaro, hello! Perform Nandi Mukh Shraddha first when the Ritvijas are present. God will then create Saligram, and you can worship them using the prescribed worship materials. Give Bandi over to Tulsi. In this manner, fulfill the rites of Homa after marrying Tulsi ji. Following this, the wife, the host, the brothers, the relatives, and the servants should perform the four Ritvijas and a love circumambulation of Lord Vishnu. Musical instruments should also be played in addition to shanti recitation and auspicious songs. Munishwaro, hello! Once this is finished, the host ought to give a bed and a cow. Giving the Ritvijas Dakshina is the proper way to organize Viprabhoj and the caste feast.



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