International Girl Child Day: Unlocking the Future: to Empower Your Daughter’s Education on International Girl Child Day 2023


The best gift you can give your daughters on International Girl Child Day in 2023 is Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana.

International Girl Child Day is observed annually on October 11 in order to raise awareness of the value of girls’ rights and education and to advance gender equality.

The account for the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY)

For parents of daughters, the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) account is a well-liked savings option in India. It offers returns that are tax-free and government-guaranteed. This savings plan was created exclusively for young Indian women and can be contributed either monthly or annually.

Sukanya Samriddhi Account Interest Rate

The Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) currently offers an interest rate of 8%. This SSY interest rate, however, is subject to quarterly adjustments.

How to Pay for Your Daughters’ Higher Education Using SSY

Since any girl can have deposits put into her SSY account until she becomes 14, parents who start investing in the SSY account as soon as their daughter is born can do so for up to 15 years.

The theme of the 2023 International Girl Child Day is “Empowering Girls, Defining Our Tomorrow.”

International Girl Child Day is observed on October 11 every year. Its goal is to draw attention to the value of girls’ rights, education, and the advancement of gender equality. Today calls for audacious investments in initiatives that empower girls and effect positive change.

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Date of International Girl Child Day in 2023

The 11th of October is the annual date for International Girl Child Day, which was first honored in 2012. It happened to fall on a Wednesday this year.

The subject of International Girl Child Day in 2023 is “Investing in Girls’ Rights: Our Leadership, Their Well-Being,” according to the official website of the UN.

International Girl Child Day History and Importance 2023:

The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action were unanimously ratified by nations in 1995 during the Beijing-based World Conference on Women. It was the most forward-thinking plan to date for strengthening the rights of women and girls. As the first document to demand girls’ rights, the Beijing Declaration stands out. The United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 66/170 on December 19, 2011, designating October 11 as International Girl Child Day. Its objective was to raise awareness of the issues that girls confront around the world, support their rights, and on global scale.

“Empowering Adolescent Girls for a Secure, Educated, and Healthy Life”

It is vital to ensure that adolescent girls have the right to a safe, educated, and healthy existence during their formative years and as they enter adulthood. Since they have the ability to develop into strong young women who can contribute to the workforce of today and tomorrow, be moms, business owners, mentors, household leaders, and political leaders if given the right support. “Women and girls can lead us to a more just future,” said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, referring to the importance of giving girls more opportunities and boosting their voices. Let’s make girls’ voices heard and commit to working together to create a world where every girl can succeed.

A roadmap for sustainable development is provided by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These 17 goals all depend on gender equality and women’s empowerment. They stand as the steadfast foundation of sustainable development.

A Perfect Savings Tool for Your Daughter’s Education and Marriage is the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY).

When an account holder turns 18, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) permits partial withdrawals for marriage or higher study, although the withdrawal is only permitted for up to 50% of the account’s balance at the end of the previous fiscal year.

Financial experts advise parents to choose SSY as the best option for saving for their daughters’ education because the investment maturity matches the child’s graduation and desire for higher study.

However, the program might not fully support your financial objectives for your daughter’s future education if you choose SSY when she is older than 4-5 years old.