Republican Mike Johnson: New US House Speaker’s Election Shakes Up Congress 2023-24


Who is Mike Johnson? An ardent conservative who embraces far-right policies

The House Republicans have chosen Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana to be the next Speaker of the House following several weeks of uncertainty. Mike Johnson was selected for this esteemed role. He is a devout conservative Christian who opposes same-sex marriage and abortion rights.

Many Republicans in his home state are celebrating his unwavering conservative record, which may not be well-known nationally but represents a significant turning point in Louisiana’s history.

Jeff Landry, the state’s elected Republican governor, praised Johnson, saying, “Everyone likes him.” “He has the moral fortitude and strength to lead our nation in this esteemed position,” Landry tweeted in celebration. “Louisiana takes pride!”

Top Louisiana officials applaud the outcome.

Johnson became the first Speaker of Louisiana when he was able to resign the position with a single floor vote, despite not having the support of his fellow House Republicans. Prior to relocating south, he held the position of Speaker for the Republican Newt Gingrich party in Georgia from 1995 to 1999.

His election results in the appointment of people with Louisiana roots to the Speaker and Majority Leader roles in the House. Just two weeks ago, Republican Representative Steve Scalise announced his withdrawal as Speaker, leaving him as the current Majority Leader.

Republicans who have supported Johnson’s advancement to the rank of rank-and-file lawmaker since 2016, Representative Don Beyer, have also praised Johnson’s appointment, calling him “one of the most liked-resented extremists in Congress.” Johnson is someone who, according to Beyer, “wants to ban all abortions – criminalize abortion with prison sentences up to the point of fetal viability.”

His steadfastly conservative policies are causing concern.

Not everyone is as enthused, though. Given his history of opposing abortion access, many Democrats are concerned about his ability to work across party lines.

A Democrat named Representative Don Beyer called Johnson “the most liked-resented extremist in Congress.” He stated that Johnson “wants to criminalize abortion with prison sentences up to the point of fetal viability,” calling his proposal “common knowledge” and asserting, “The Democratic Party and its cultural allies are on a misguided crusade to submerge children into sexual fantasy and radical gender ideology.”

The director of Human Rights Campaign, which supports the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans, Laurel Vamsy, criticized the bill upon its introduction, saying that “Mike Johnson, like other extreme House Republicans, continues his assault on the ability of LGBTQ+ Americans to live their lives openly and honestly.” She continued by stating, “Mike Johnson, like other extreme House Republicans, is continuing his assault on the ability of LGBTQ+ Americans to live their lives openly and honestly.”

Thus, while some in Louisiana and the GOP are celebrating Mike Johnson’s win, others are still worried about his opinions and how they might affect laws pertaining to LGBTQ+ and abortion rights.

The U.S. government is facing the challenge of reaching an agreement on keeping the funding intact or confronting a shutdown by November 17. Representative McCarthy extended the budget deadline by six weeks and had to face the wrath of staunch conservative Republicans who plotted to oust him.

After Representative Johnson’s election, many representatives have deemed the budget issue as the most crucial matter before the House in the near future.

New York Republican Anthony D’Esposito commented on the matter, stating, “We cannot afford to waste any time. What we’ve done in the past few days has not worked.”

Representative Johnson is known for his staunch conservative stance on several policy issues, including opposition to abortion rights and same-sex marriage, which may make it challenging to reach a consensus on various issues.

Like several members of his party’s far-right, Representative Johnson is also against providing additional American aid to Ukraine.

His views have raised concerns among some Democrats.

One, Representative Adam Schiff of California, has told reporters that he sees Representative Johnson as “one of the most rigid thinkers among Republicans, who is not willing to work across the aisle on various issues.”

In a statement, the Congressional Equality Caucus, made up of openly LGBTQ+ representatives, described Representative Johnson as having a “track record of attacking LGBTQ+ Americans nationwide.”

Wisconsin Democrat Mark Pocan, in a statement, said, “By choosing him as Speaker, his supporters have signaled that they want these attacks against our community to continue.”

The budget issue remains a significant point of contention, with deep divides on multiple policy issues. It will be a challenge for Speaker Johnson to navigate these complex waters, given his steadfastly conservative stance on various matters.