UAE: Unveiling the Latest Update on No Ban on Meat Exports to UAE, Senate Committee Reveals


ISLAMABAD: On Monday, the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce was informed that the shipment of beef to the UAE was not prohibited.

In a recent briefing, Pakistan’s Commerce Secretary Suhail Farooqi disclosed that UAE authorities have addressed claims of an alleged ban on meat shipments to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) after fungi were found in a cargo from Pakistan. During the meeting, which was presided over by Senator Jishan Khanzada, the topic of cargo flow constraints related to the Afghan transit trade was also covered.

The Secretary reiterated that exports of beef to Gulf nations are not prohibited in response to the ban controversy. “Our trade counselor is in contact with UAE officials to address the specific incident where a shipment failed to meet the standards and was returned,” he said.

Restricting imports of fresh and chilled meat from Pakistan to only vacuum-packed and temperature-controlled meat, the UAE recently changed its requirements for such shipments. The Secretary stressed that the safety requirements are universal and apply to all countries.

Senator Danish Kumar voiced worries about the export of subpar meat and urged in UAE & the Ministry of Commerce to examine the cargo that was returned. In order to guarantee the quality of meat products in Pakistan’s transportation, storage, and processing facilities, coordination with the Livestock Department was also advised.

The topic of advanced processing technology used by 3–4 billion dollar foreign trawlers involved in the fishing business was also discussed. Mr. Farooqi made reference to the government’s resolve to increase seafood exports and pledged to deliver a thorough policy presentation by January.

He further mentioned that a Pakistani company has already started exporting seafood to the EU while also applying for three more permits.

The major ideas from the original Hindi text are summarized in this English translation while still keeping a conversational and educational tone.

Differential Transit Trade in Afghanistan

The committee was informed by the Commerce Secretary that while Afghan imports typically total around $1 billion, they increased to $6 billion in the 2013 fiscal year.

This gap, in Mr. Farooqi’s opinion, is noteworthy, and his ministry has provided the Afghan government with pertinent data.

He added that Pakistan has taken measures to address inconsistencies in the transit trade system with Afghanistan, including prohibiting the import of specific goods and charging a 10% processing fee on sensitive commodities by the Federal Board of Revenue.

He added that security measures had been implemented to stop the smuggling of products into Pakistan, including the use of platforms for transit commerce to reroute goods into local marketplaces.

The Secretary added that in order to protect Pakistani commodities in transit, Afghan authorities in Central Asian nations are requesting a 110% cash guarantee.

We have not taken any retaliatory action, he declared.

He continued by saying that Pakistan has made bank guarantees required to stop abuse of the insurance guarantee given to Afghan importers. We have noticed that this service is frequently and extensively misutilized by smugglers, Mr. Farooqi said.

He stressed Pakistan’s dedication to assisting Afghan transit commerce and noted that the administration has decided on its course of action and is now concentrating on its successful implementation.

The committee was also informed of the G1 garlic’s export potential. Committee members claim that manufacturers think G1 garlic has a longer shelf life and is four times bigger than other local varieties.

They claimed that this product may be ready for export in three to four years with help from the government.

The ministry would provide farmers with immediate funding for agricultural extension services, training, and capacity building, the secretary said. Garlic can be exported to Africa and Indonesia once production is self-sufficient.

The major ideas from the original Hindi text are summarized in this English translation while still keeping a conversational and educational tone.

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